Category: Solved MCQS

Microphone is used to convert sound waves into electrical energy. Penicillin is widely used as an antibiotic. The air we inhale is mixture of gases. Which of the following
UN Charter consists of how many articles: 111. The status of the statute of the International Court of Justice is an integral part of the UN Charter. The term “Opinio Juris”
Namaz-e-Istasqa is offered for the rain. Thy Holy Prophet (PBUH) performed Umrah four times in his entire life. In Ghazwa-e-Uhad Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) selected 50 skillful archers to stay
Which Prayer is offered during the time of war: Salat-e-Khauf. The Holy Book Zaboor was revealed on the Prophet: Hazrat Dawood (A.S.). Shirk is called as Zulm-e-Azeem- the most