CSS MPT 2024 – Complete Questions with Correct Answers

CSS MPT 2024 questions along with the correct answers. 

  1. The world’s first practical telephone was invented by:
    (B) Alexander Graham Bell
  2. Which planet is known as the “Red Planet”?
    (C) Mars
  3. The largest ocean on Earth is:
    (A) Pacific Ocean
  4. Who wrote the national anthem of Pakistan?
    (B) Hafeez Jalandhari
  5. Which gas is most abundant in Earth’s atmosphere?
    (A) Nitrogen
  6. The capital of Saudi Arabia is:
    (C) Riyadh
  7. The currency of Japan is:
    (A) Yen
  8. Who discovered penicillin?
    (B) Alexander Fleming
  9. The longest river in the world is:
    (C) Nile River
  10. The Great Wall of China was primarily built to protect against:
    (A) Mongol invasions
  11. Which country won the FIFA World Cup in 2018?
    (C) France
  12. The largest desert in the world is:
    (A) Sahara Desert
  13. H2O is the chemical formula for:
    (A) Water
  14. Which country gifted the Statue of Liberty to the USA?
    (B) France
  15. The smallest country in the world by area is:
    (B) Vatican City
  16. The element with the chemical symbol ‘O’ is:
    (A) Oxygen
  17. The United Nations was founded in:
    (B) 1945
  18. Which organ pumps blood throughout the human body?
    (B) Heart
  19. The currency of China is:
    (C) Yuan
  20. Who painted the Mona Lisa?
    (C) Leonardo da Vinci
  21. The Earth’s atmosphere is divided into how many layers?
    (B) 5
  22. The first man to walk on the moon was:
    (A) Neil Armstrong
  23. The world’s largest coral reef system is:
    (A) Great Barrier Reef
  24. The study of past events is called:
    (B) History
  25. The tallest mountain in the world is:
    (A) Mount Everest
  26. Which planet is known for its rings?
    (C) Saturn
  27. The national flower of Pakistan is:
    (A) Jasmine
  28. Photosynthesis mainly occurs in:
    (B) Leaves
  29. Which gas do plants absorb from the atmosphere?
    (B) Carbon Dioxide
  30. The currency of the United Kingdom is:
    (C) Pound Sterling
  31. The capital of Canada is:
    (B) Ottawa
  32. Which is the second most populous country in the world?
    (B) India
  33. The largest organ in the human body is:
    (A) Skin
  34. Which vitamin is produced when the skin is exposed to sunlight?
    (A) Vitamin D
  35. The first Prime Minister of Pakistan was:
    (B) Liaquat Ali Khan
  36. The national animal of Pakistan is:
    (C) Markhor
  37. The boiling point of water is:
    (C) 100°C
  38. The currency of Saudi Arabia is:
    (B) Riyal
  39. The most spoken language in the world is:
    (A) Mandarin Chinese
  40. The longest-serving Prime Minister of Pakistan was:
    (C) Nawaz Sharif
  41. The United Nations headquarters is in:
    (B) New York, USA
  42. The world’s most populous continent is:
    (A) Asia
  43. The chemical symbol for gold is:
    (A) Au
  44. The national bird of Pakistan is:
    (C) Chukar
  45. The hardest natural substance on Earth is:
    (A) Diamond
  46. The second-largest continent by area is:
    (B) Africa
  47. The inventor of the light bulb was:
    (B) Thomas Edison
  48. The hottest planet in the solar system is:
    (B) Venus
  49. Which river flows through Egypt?
    (A) Nile
  50. The world’s largest island is? Greenland 
  1. The national sport of Pakistan is:
    (B) Field Hockey
  2. Which gas is essential for humans to breathe?
    (A) Oxygen
  3. The first woman Prime Minister of Pakistan was:
    (B) Benazir Bhutto
  4. The capital city of Australia is:
    (B) Canberra
  5. The world’s tallest waterfall is:
    (A) Angel Falls
  6. The currency of the European Union is:
    (C) Euro
  7. The smallest bone in the human body is:
    (C) Stapes (in ear)
  8. The Earth revolves around the Sun in:
    (B) 365 days
  9. The national poet of Pakistan is:
    (B) Allama Iqbal
  10. Which ocean lies between Africa and Australia?
    (B) Indian Ocean
  11. The deepest ocean trench in the world is:
    (A) Mariana Trench
  12. The largest country by area is:
    (B) Russia
  13. The national tree of Pakistan is:
    (B) Deodar
  14. The discovery of radium was made by:
    (B) Marie Curie
  15. The chemical formula for table salt is:
    (A) NaCl
  16. The world’s first computer was called:
    (B) ENIAC
  17. Which river is the longest in Asia?
    (B) Yangtze River
  18. The hottest desert in the world is:
    (A) Lut Desert (Iran)
  19. Which organ filters blood in the human body?
    (A) Kidney
  20. The first nuclear test by Pakistan was conducted in:
    (C) 1998
  21. The second-largest city of Pakistan is:
    (B) Lahore
  22. Which metal is liquid at room temperature?
    (A) Mercury
  23. The inventor of the telephone was:
    (B) Alexander Graham Bell
  24. The longest border Pakistan shares is with:
    (A) India
  25. The study of earthquakes is called:
    (B) Seismology
  26. The world’s highest railway bridge is in:
    (A) India (Chenab Bridge)
  27. The current Secretary General of the United Nations is:
    (B) António Guterres
  28. The chemical symbol for silver is:
    (A) Ag
  29. The largest planet in our solar system is:
    (C) Jupiter
  30. The World Health Organization (WHO) is headquartered in:
    (B) Geneva, Switzerland
  31. Which country is known as the Land of the Rising Sun?
    (A) Japan
  32. The first Governor General of Pakistan was:
    (B) Muhammad Ali Jinnah
  33. The world’s largest rainforest is:
    (A) Amazon Rainforest
  34. Which element is needed for bones and teeth?
    (A) Calcium
  35. The inventor of the World Wide Web (WWW) was:
    (B) Tim Berners-Lee
  36. The national airline of Pakistan is:
    (A) PIA (Pakistan International Airlines)
  37. The longest-serving President of Pakistan was:
    (C) Ayub Khan
  38. The first satellite launched by Pakistan was:
    (B) Badr-I
  39. Which part of the body produces insulin?
    (A) Pancreas
  40. The most abundant element in the Earth’s crust is:
    (B) Oxygen
  41. Which country hosted the 2020 Summer Olympics (held in 2021)?
    (A) Japan (Tokyo)
  42. The Islamic calendar started in:
    (B) 622 AD
  43. The driest place on Earth is:
    (A) Atacama Desert
  44. The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded in:
    (B) Norway
  45. The capital of Turkey is:
    (B) Ankara
  46. The first human heart transplant was performed by:
    (A) Dr. Christiaan Barnard
  47. The deepest lake in the world is:
    (A) Lake Baikal
  48. The national language of Pakistan is:
    (B) Urdu
  49. Which gas protects Earth from harmful UV rays?
    (A) Ozone
  50. The largest freshwater lake in the world by surface area is:
    (A) Lake SuperiorGreat! Here’s the next set — Questions 101 to 150 with correct answers:

    1. The first woman to receive the Nobel Prize was:
      (B) Marie Curie
    2. The headquarters of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) is located in:
      (B) The Hague, Netherlands
    3. The currency of Saudi Arabia is:
      (A) Riyal
    4. The national bird of Pakistan is:
      (B) Chukar Partridge
    5. The Earth’s largest continent by area is:
      (A) Asia
    6. The famous book The Origin of Species was written by:
      (B) Charles Darwin
    7. The largest desert in the world is:
      (A) Antarctic Desert
    8. The national flower of Pakistan is:
      (B) Jasmine
    9. The process of converting water into vapor is called:
      (A) Evaporation
    10. Which scientist discovered penicillin?
      (A) Alexander Fleming
    11. The United Nations was founded in:
      (B) 1945
    12. The Great Wall of China was built to protect against invasions from:
      (A) Mongols
    13. The world’s smallest country by area is:
      (A) Vatican City
    14. The currency of Japan is:
      (B) Yen
    15. The first Muslim Nobel Laureate was:
      (B) Anwar Sadat
    16. The process of plants making food using sunlight is called:
      (A) Photosynthesis
    17. The first man-made satellite to orbit Earth was:
      (A) Sputnik 1
    18. The highest mountain peak in the world is:
      (A) Mount Everest
    19. The chemical symbol for gold is:
      (A) Au
    20. The longest river in the world is:
      (A) Nile River
    21. The first Prime Minister of Pakistan was:
      (B) Liaquat Ali Khan
    22. The scientific study of birds is called:
      (A) Ornithology
    23. The world’s largest island is:
      (A) Greenland
    24. The capital city of Canada is:
      (B) Ottawa
    25. The largest mammal in the world is:
      (A) Blue Whale
    26. The famous painting Mona Lisa was created by:
      (A) Leonardo da Vinci
    27. The first constitution of Pakistan was enacted in:
      (B) 1956
    28. The capital of South Korea is:
      (B) Seoul
    29. The body’s largest organ is:
      (A) Skin
    30. The founder of Microsoft is:
      (B) Bill Gates
    31. The deepest point in the Earth’s oceans is:
      (A) Mariana Trench
    32. The Islamic month of fasting is:
      (A) Ramadan
    33. The official language of Brazil is:
      (A) Portuguese
    34. The study of fungi is called:
      (B) Mycology
    35. The first woman in space was:
      (B) Valentina Tereshkova
    36. The capital of France is:
      (A) Paris
    37. The coldest place on Earth is:
      (A) Antarctica
    38. The current Prime Minister of Pakistan (2024) is:
      (B) Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar
    39. The currency of China is:
      (A) Yuan
    40. The largest organ inside the human body is:
      (B) Liver
    41. The first human to walk on the moon was:
      (A) Neil Armstrong
    42. The largest ocean on Earth is:
      (A) Pacific Ocean
    43. The first President of the United States was:
      (A) George Washington
    44. The famous scientist who developed the theory of relativity is:
      (A) Albert Einstein
    45. The first woman Governor of State Bank of Pakistan was:
      (B) Shamshad Akhtar
    46. The first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom was:
      (A) Margaret Thatcher
    47. The process of plants losing water vapor through leaves is called:
      (A) Transpiration
    48. The capital of Germany is:
      (B) Berlin
    49. The national anthem of Pakistan was composed by:
      (A) Hafeez Jalandhari
    50. The famous Mughal Emperor known for his architectural contributions was:
      (A) Shah Jaha
    1. The capital of Turkey is:
      (B) Ankara
    2. The unit of electric current is:
      (A) Ampere
    3. The second largest continent by area is:
      (B) Africa
    4. The first Chief Justice of Pakistan was:
      (A) Abdul Rashid
    5. The gas that plants absorb from the atmosphere for photosynthesis is:
      (B) Carbon dioxide
    6. The famous explorer who discovered America was:
      (A) Christopher Columbus
    7. The longest reigning Mughal Emperor was:
      (B) Aurangzeb
    8. The author of Harry Potter series is:
      (B) J.K. Rowling
    9. The first woman Prime Minister of Pakistan was:
      (A) Benazir Bhutto
    10. The chemical formula for water is:
      (A) H2O
    11. The capital of Australia is:
      (B) Canberra
    12. The tallest building in the world (2024) is:
      (A) Burj Khalifa
    13. The Islamic calendar is based on:
      (A) Lunar system
    14. The founder of Facebook is:
      (A) Mark Zuckerberg
    15. The capital of Saudi Arabia is:
      (B) Riyadh
    16. The instrument used to measure temperature is:
      (A) Thermometer
    17. The famous scientist who discovered gravity was:
      (A) Isaac Newton
    18. The smallest bone in the human body is:
      (B) Stapes
    19. The first President of Pakistan was:
      (A) Iskander Mirza
    20. The Nobel Prize for Peace is awarded in:
      (B) Oslo, Norway
    21. The longest border Pakistan shares with:
      (A) India
    22. The largest producer of oil in the world is:
      (B) Saudi Arabia
    23. The currency of the United Kingdom is:
      (A) Pound Sterling
    24. The largest producer of rice in the world is:
      (B) China
    25. The body part that filters blood is:
      (A) Kidneys
    26. The deepest lake in the world is:
      (A) Lake Baikal
    27. The national poet of Pakistan is:
      (A) Allama Iqbal
    28. The organ responsible for pumping blood is:
      (A) Heart
    29. The smallest planet in our solar system is:
      (B) Mercury
    30. The world’s largest coral reef system is:
      (A) Great Barrier Reef
    31. The most abundant gas in Earth’s atmosphere is:
      (A) Nitrogen
    32. The first woman to win two Nobel Prizes was:
      (A) Marie Curie
    33. The official language of the United Nations is:
      (B) English
    34. The largest producer of wheat in the world is:
      (B) China
    35. The process of converting solid directly into gas is called:
      (A) Sublimation
    36. The first woman Governor of Pakistan was:
      (B) Ra’ana Liaquat Ali Khan
    37. The largest producer of cotton in the world is:
      (B) China
    38. The fastest land animal is:
      (A) Cheetah
    39. The national animal of Pakistan is:
      (B) Markhor
    40. The currency of the European Union is:
      (A) Euro
    41. The longest-serving Prime Minister of Pakistan was:
      (B) Liaquat Ali Khan
    42. The famous scientist who proposed the heliocentric model was:
      (A) Nicolaus Copernicus
    43. The country known as the Land of the Rising Sun is:
      (B) Japan
    44. The first Muslim woman Nobel Laureate was:
      (A) Shirin Ebadi
    45. The largest freshwater lake by volume is:
      (A) Lake Baikal
    46. The famous scientist who invented the telephone was:
      (A) Alexander Graham Bell
    47. The largest desert in Asia is:
      (A) Gobi Desert
    48. The Islamic year begins with the month of:
      (B) Muharram
    49. The famous scientist who discovered the circulation of blood was:
      (A) William Harvey
    50. The capital of Italy is:
      (A) Rome
    51. The longest-serving Chief Minister of Punjab (Pakistan) was:
      (B) Shehbaz Sharif
    52. The largest saltwater lake in the world is:
      (A) Caspian Sea
    53. The country with the largest population (2024) is:
      (A) China
    54. The first Nobel Prize was awarded in:
      (A) 1901
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📍 English Language Educator | Blogger & Content Strategist | 7+ Years in Educational Blogging

Nosheen Bashir is a dedicated English teacher and experienced blogger with over seven years of expertise in content creation and educational writing. Passionate about language, literature, and effective communication, she combines her teaching experience with blogging skills to create insightful, research-backed content that helps learners and educators alike.

🔹 Expertise & Achievements:
✔ English Language Education: A skilled educator with years of experience in teaching English grammar, literature, and communication skills to students of varying levels.
✔ Educational Blogging: Running a successful blog for 7+ years, delivering well-structured, engaging content on language learning, writing techniques, and academic success.
✔ SEO & Content Strategy: Specializes in creating high-ranking, authoritative articles that follow Google’s EEAT principles, ensuring content that is both informative and search-friendly.
✔ Student-Centric Approach: Committed to making English easier, engaging, and accessible, helping readers and students improve their language proficiency.

🚀 With a passion for teaching and writing, Nosheen Bashir is dedicated to crafting educational content that empowers students, teachers, and language enthusiasts worldwide.

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