- Which Prayer is offered during the time of war: Salat-e-Khauf.
- The Holy Book Zaboor was revealed on the Prophet: Hazrat Dawood (A.S.).
- Shirk is called as Zulm-e-Azeem- the most brutal sin.
- Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) performed his last Hajj in 10AH.
- Ghazwa-e-Tabook was the last Ghazwa participated by Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH).
- The Hajj Sermon is delivered in the Mosque: Masjid-e-Nimra.
- One who verbally claims to be a Muslim, but in his heart isn’t so is known as Munafiq.
- The total number of Holy Books revealed is four.
- The total foundation pillars of Islam are: Five
- The prayer performed very shortly after sunrise: Ishraq.
- Who was the first wife of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): Hazrat Khadija (R.A.).
- Hazrat Usman (R.A.) was given the title of ‘Zulnoorain’.
- Saha-e-Sitta is a term used for six authentic books of Hadith.
- The literal meaning of world Quran is: frequently recited.
- The literal meaning of world civilization is: trimming.
- The literal meaning of world Wahee is covert communication.
- Khalil Ullah is the title of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.).