1)- The situation of polarized politics in Pakistan
- Polarization in the name of sects
- religious polarization
- ethnic polarization
- cultural polarization
- geographical polarization
- social polarization
- economic polarization
- linguistic polarization
2)- Issues and challenges of Democracy in Pakistan
- Formation of weak central governments
- Politically unstable environment
- Lack of consensus-based policies
- Lack of national unity
- Mishandling of available resources
- Weak policy formation on the international front
- Inefficient governance
- A rise in sectarian rifts
- Extreme division of political vote bank
- Promotion of dynatocratic politics
- Prevalence of a sense of deprivation
- Poverty
- Cultural clashes
13)- Recommendations for the amelioration of the situation
- Just distribution of royalties
- Educating the masses
- Respecting the cultural and religious diversity
- Political awakening of people
- Robust role of the media
- Electoral reforms
- Emergence of national level political parties
- Issue based politics
- Good and efficient governance
- Economic prosperity