- UN Charter consists of how many articles: 111.
- The status of the statute of the International Court of Justice is an integral part of the UN Charter.
- The term “Opinio Juris” signifies the belief that a certain practice is obligatory as a matter of law.
- The UN Charter also functions as the Constitutional and Lawmaking Treaty.
- Ban Ki-Moon, the UN Secretary-General belongs to South Korea.
- The United Nations Headquarters are in the city of New York.
- UNDHR stands for the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.
- ‘Equity’ in international law refers to the power conferred on ICJ.
- peaceful methods of settlement of disputes under the UN Charter are Mediation and Inquiry.
- The most important treaties developing the law of war are Geneva Conventions.
- The primary responsibility for Human Rights questions is given by the UN Charter to ECOSOC.
- Persona non grata means undesirable diplomat.
- Extradition means: handing over a criminal to another state.
- The term international law was first coined by Jeremy Bentham.
- Genocide Convention 1951 protects the: smaller minority groups.
- ICJ can exercise its jurisdiction: with the consent of all parties.
- Charter of International Criminal Court was adopted in Rome Conference 1998.
- Pakistan became a member of the UNO in 1947.
- Which article of the ICJ deals with the sources of International Law: article 38.
- Secretary-General of UNO is from South Korea. (as of 2011).
- The Headquarters of ICJ is at Hague.
- Who is called the father of the law of nations? Hugo Grotius.
- “International law isn’t a true law but a positive international morality,” said: John Austin.
- The truce is the agreement of a ceasefire.
- Piracy, according to the sea convention 1982 is an illegal act by the crew of a private ship on the high sea’s.
- The General Assembly of the UN is a superior body.
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- One of the amicable means of settling a dispute is conciliation.
- Terra Nullius means territory belonging to no state.
- The term men-of-war signifies a warship.
- WMD stands for: weapons of mass destruction.
- Withdrawal of recognition is more easily achieved with respect to de facto recognition.
- One of the modes of acquiring state territory is occupation.
- The Treaty of Westphalia was signed on October 24, 1648.
- Pacta Sunt Servanda means: the agreement between the states is to be respected.
- The Permanent Court of International Justice was established in 1922.
- Littoral state means state situated on the sea coast.
- A contiguous zone means the portion of sea which is adjacent to territorial waters.
- Confederation means a union between some states.
- The Jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice: is binding on all the members of the UNO.
- A declaration is a treaty between the contracting parties which: may or may not be subject to the ratification.
- Much of the International law is derived through analogy from Roman Law.
- Permanent Court of International Justice was established under the: League of the Nations.
- Number of Judges of the International Court of Justice: fifteen.
- The territorial sea of a state is under its control subject to certain international obligations.
- Recognition of a new state is a matter of policy of the state.
- Diplomatic Protection means protection and security granted: by a state to its individual abroad.
- The diplomatic staff enjoys complete immunity from both: civil and criminal jurisdiction.
- The term of Judges of ICJ is nine years.
- To bar Doctrine is related to the recognition of insurgents.
- Vienna Conference 1961 was related to Diplomatic immunities.
- A land-locked state is: surrounded by the land from all sides.
- Foreign warships have rights of innocent passage through territorial waters.
- Charter of Human Rights was adopted in 1948.
- Extradition is normally granted in criminal cases.
- Continental Shelf of Pakistan may extend to the distance of 200 nautical miles.
- The limit of territorial waters of Pakistan is 12 nautical miles.
- De facto recognition is: circumstancial recognition.
- Estrada Doctrine is related to the: recognition of a government.
- A state has the right to use force for armed attacks.
- The International Court of Justice was established in 1945.
- Diplomatic relations are established by mutual agreement.
- The United Nations is the creation of member states.
- A state has the right to exploit in the continental shelf: both living and non-living resources.