Islamic Studies Solved MCQs From Past PPSC Papers

The word Salah is mentioned in the Quran 85 times.

The word Namaz is repeated 700 times in the Holy Quran.

Who among the following requested Allah to free him till the Day of Judgment? (Iblees)

Name the first person to whom Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) informed about the first Wahi: (Hazrat Khadija)

Total number of Ghazwa is? (27)

Which prophet is also known by the title as Khaleel-Allah? (Hazrat Ibrahim)

When was the first battle fought by Muslims? (2 A.H., Abwa)

The Battle of Uhud was fought in which Hijri year? (3 Hijri)

Jannat-ul-Baqi is situated in (Madina)

Surah Al-Momin is in Para? (24)

Kafara is taken for? (Fast)

Aam-ul-Hazan? (10th Nabvi year)

During which prayer did the change of Qibla happen…
[23:40, 2/24/2025] ……: Here is the extracted text from the image:

Which is the longest surah of the Quran?
(Surah Al-Baqarah)

The Holy Book “Zaboor” was revealed to which Prophet of Allah?
(Hazrat Daud – Prophet David, A.S.)

The Battle of Jamal was fought between?
(Hazrat Aisha R.A. and Hazrat Ali R.A.)

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) delivered his farewell sermon at Arafat on?
(9 Zilhajj – 9th of Dhul-Hijjah)

Which Nafli (voluntary) Namaz is most liked?
(Tahajjud – late night prayer)

What is the time for Nafli Salaat Ishraq?
(From sunrise till noon)

Give the name of the prophet who was the son of Hazrat Daud (A.S.)?
(Hazrat Sulaiman – Prophet Solomon, A.S.)

During drought, which Namaz is offered for rain?
(Salaat Istisqa – prayer for rain)

In which Namaz is no Sajdah (prostration) performed?
(Salat-e-Janaza – funeral prayer)

How long did the caliphate of Hazrat Umar (R.A.) last?
(10 years)

Which Surah of the Holy Quran throws light on Islamic laws regarding marriage and divorce?
(Surah An-Nisa)

What is the serial number of Surah Yaseen in the Holy Quran?

What is the total number of types of Qiyas?

Give the total number of Ayats (verses) in the Holy Quran (excluding Bismillah)?

How many times has the word “Qul” been repeated in the Holy Quran?
(432 times)

Which Kalimah is recited at the time of Nikah?
(All six Kalimahs)

What is the recitation of the 1st Kalimah called?

What is the serial number of Surah Al-Kahf in the Holy Quran?

Which alphabet is mentioned the most in the Holy Quran?


How many times is the name of Hazrat Yaqub (A.S.) mentioned in the Holy Quran?
(16 times)

What is the Nisab of Zakat for Gold?
(7.5 tolas – approximately 87.48 grams)

How many times has the word “Zakat” been mentioned in the Holy Quran?
(32 times)

What was the age of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S.) at the birth of Hazrat Ismail (A.S.)?
(86 years)

Who had knowledge of astronomy among the prophets?
(Hazrat Idrees A.S.)

What was the Kunniyat (honorary title) of Hazrat Abu Bakr (R.A.)?
(Abu Abdullah)

Which prayer is preceded by Azaan but does not have an Iqama?
(Zohar prayer)

Where is Hazrat Yahya (A.S.) buried?

How many Hajj did the Holy Prophet (PBUH) perform?
(One – Hajj-ul-Wida in 10 A.H.)

What is the meaning of Hajj-e-Akbar?
(Hajj performed on Friday)

What is the name of the act in Hajj where pilgrims run between Safa and Marwa?

Hajj pilgrims are required to wear Ihram at a designated place called?

Which is the first Islamic month?

Where is Jabal-e-Noor located?
(Ghar-e-Hira – Cave of Hira)

In which Hijri year were the laws of inheritance revealed?
(3 Hijri)

What is meant by Allah’s attribute “Al-Bari”?
(The Maker)

Who holds the title “Khateeb-ul-Anbia”?
(Hazrat Shuaib A.S.)

Where is Masjid Zu Qiblatain located?

When was the Holy Quran first compiled?
(During the caliphate of Abu Bakr Siddique R.A.)

The word Salah is mentioned in the Quran 85 times.

The word Namaz is repeated 700 times in the Holy Quran.

Who among the following requested Allah to free him till the Day of Judgment? (Iblees)

Name the first person to whom Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) informed about the first Wahi: (Hazrat Khadija)

Total number of Ghazwa is? (27)

Which prophet is also known by the title as Khaleel-Allah? (Hazrat Ibrahim)

When was the first battle fought by Muslims? (2 A.H., Abwa)

The Battle of Uhud was fought in which Hijri year? (3 Hijri)

Jannat-ul-Baqi is situated in (Madina)

Surah Al-Momin is in Para? (24)

Kafara is taken for? (Fast)

Aam-ul-Hazan? (10th Nabvi year)

During which prayer did the change of Qibla happen? (Zuhar)

In Islam, Usher is a tax on (agriculture yield)

Shawwal is the 10th month of the Islamic year.

Surah Nahl means (Honey Bee)

Ghazwa battle Furqan is another name for (Battle of Badr)

How many mosques are named in the Quran? (5)

Which pillar of Islam is the key to paradise? (Salat – Prayer)

Name the Surah in which the right of parents is mentioned? (Surah Luqman)

First Azan was called out in (1 A.H.)

What was the name of Imam Bukhari? (Muhammad bin Ismail)

What is Istalam? (Kissing Hajre Aswad – Black Stone)

How many Sahaba were martyred in the Battle of Badr? (14)

The Holy Prophet (PBUH) made Hijrat from Makkah to Madina in the year (622 A.D.)

How many verses of Surah “Alaq” were first revealed to the Holy Prophet? (5)

How long did the Holy Book “Quran” take for its complete revelation? (23 years)

“Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim” marks the beginning of every Surah except (Surah Taubah)

When did the Holy Prophet (PBUH) perform Hajj-ul-Wada? (632 A.D.)

Identify the number of Surahs in the Holy Quran that are named after various Prophets? (6)

What is the significance of 27th Rajab in the 10th year of Prophethood? (Meraj Shareef – Night Journey)

Identify the last Ghazwa in which the Holy Prophet (PBUH) participated? (Ghazwa-e-Tabuk)

Under Islamic law of inheritance, what is the share of the wife from the husband’s property in the presence of children? (One-eighth)

Which of the following divine books is called the Old Testament? (Torah – Taurat)

The word “Muhammad” is mentioned 4 times in the Quran.

“Umm-ul-Masakeen” was the title given to which wife of the Holy Prophet? (Hazrat Zainab bint Khuzaimah, R.A.)

Who was a famous historian of the 14th century? (Ibn Khaldun)

The Islamic calendar started in the year (622 A.D.)

Ameen-ul-Ummat is the title of (Hazrat Abu Ubaidah bin Al-Jarrah, R.A.)

What is Infaq? (Spending wealth in the way of Allah)

By what date was the Zakat system fully enforced during the lifetime of the Prophet? (Muharram 9 A.H.)

In the recitation of the Holy Quran, how many occasions require Sajdah (prostration) as obligatory for Muslims? (14 times)

📍 English Language Educator | Blogger & Content Strategist | 7+ Years in Educational Blogging

Nosheen Bashir is a dedicated English teacher and experienced blogger with over seven years of expertise in content creation and educational writing. Passionate about language, literature, and effective communication, she combines her teaching experience with blogging skills to create insightful, research-backed content that helps learners and educators alike.

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✔ English Language Education: A skilled educator with years of experience in teaching English grammar, literature, and communication skills to students of varying levels.
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🚀 With a passion for teaching and writing, Nosheen Bashir is dedicated to crafting educational content that empowers students, teachers, and language enthusiasts worldwide.

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